Comarco Group is member of British Safety Council

May 2015.

Comarco Group has joined the British Safety Council in their continuous effort to provide a safe and healthy environment for all their employees.

Comarco Group is proud to announce their membership to the British Safety Council in early May.

Being in an industry where health and safety of employees is of utmost importance, Comarco Group has joined the British Safety Council in their continuous effort to provide a safe and healthy environment for all their employees.

The British Safety Council is one of the world's leading health and safety organisations. Being a government-regulated awarding body it must comply with a wide range of conditions set by the regulator to guarantee rigour and consistency in the awarding of qualifications.

The British Safety Council is the only UK awarding body offering a complete suite of health and safety qualifications ranging from Entry Level to Level 6 in the national framework.

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