january 2014.
We used two coring rigs with their teams including John Migwi (the Head Driller of the Koken rig); Mr Alex Musau (head driller of Wirth Erkelenz rig); Mr Austin Juma, who took over from Mr. Ocharo as our Consultant Geologist. Mr Tuan Will was the Project Manager.
The Koken rig operated from our Jack-up Pontoon ‘Tuco’ for all the over-water boreholes and then from our Scania truck for the land based boreholes. The Wirth rig operated from a modified Hagglund all-terrain vehicle for the intertidal and land based boreholes.
In order to complete the boreholes on the Tsunza peninsula (BH’s 8-10), the Wirth rig was transported across the creek from Mwache onboard the landing craft KMC Warthog. The Koken rig continued along the Kipevu link road including completing one borehole within the Moi International Airport perimeter, before crossing the Likoni ferry to continue on the south coast side.
Borehole 4A (Mwache area) was particularly challenging due to the extremely difficult terrain made worse as a result of heavy rain. This resulted in us having to ‘construct’ a road to be able to winch the Koken rig to the borehole point. See photos below.
We completed the program and delivered the Geotechnical Report to Katahira on the 30/10/2013 and are hoping that KMC will be involved with the construction of the bridges at the Mwache and Dongo Kundu areas.
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