April 2016.
The existing quay surface will be removed, the area excavated, the sheet piles cut off below the water line and replaced with custom fabricated sheets that will be tied in by way of galvanized wires running to concrete anchors set below the quay. The quay area will then be back filled, compacted and have new slabs laid and coping beams installed. All jetty furniture including bollards, ladders and fenders will then be fitted.
The total quay length is 215m and, once rehabilitated and dredged, will accommodate vessels of 600t dwt, 80m loa and 3m draft. The paved areas are designed to handle loaded containers stacked six high and to withstand a minimum vehicle axle load of 110t.
The design life for the quay will be 50 years.
The project commenced on 29th February 2016 and is scheduled, barring any variations, to be completed by the end June 2017.
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